- Our Lady Queen of Angels Chapel
- Saint Joseph Church
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
- Holy Angels Church
June 27, 2023
My reflection:
“Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak.” Author Unknown
October 28, 2022
My reflection:
“If you have never loved yourself, never really loved yourself, gently and unconditionally, now is the time to do that. Love yourself, forgive yourself, and at the same time know that there is nothing to forgive… Unconditional love can do some amazing things, and it’s a real safety net. And we can do amazing things when we know that we are safe.” Max Navarre
Let us always remember that God loves us unconditionally!

October 6, 2022
“In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my request before you and wait expectantly” Psalm 5:3
April 18, 2022
My reflection today is from Living Faith:
God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witness. Acts 2:32
“‘Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!’ And what a joy we had yesterday or at the Saturday Vigil Mass, hearts and souls filled to bursting! What joy we had at dinner, talking and sharing with family and friends! What joy we had watching the young(and not so young) with their Easter baskets.
But today is another day, a day when we go back to work or to cooking or laundry or fixing the car or a million other seemingly mundane tasks. Let’s recognize these times for what they truly are – not mundane , but opportunities to carry the Good News to those who don’t know Jesus or who have let their relationship with him atrophy. Resolve to be a witness to the Resurrection today in your actions and words. Show the Easter Joy!
Jesus, stoke my love for you so that the flame grows in me and spreads to others.” Melanie Rigney
Today let God‘s risen love reach out to those we meet!

July 1, 2021
My reflection today:
“ May the spirit of grace and gratitude embrace you and its gentle arms.
Me and awareness of the simple daily pleasures bless your life at all times.
May you savor the company of friends, the closeness of loved ones, and the enjoyment of solitude.
May you always appreciate the quiet routines constructed with love that create your life as you know it.” – Virginia Parslow
I am struck by the beautiful image “the spirit of grace and gratitude embracing us in its gentle arms.”

March 20, 2021
My reflection today:
Today… If the sun shines bright enough to warm your soul, strong enough to fill your spirit, and deep enough to bless your heart-then it’s a positive day!
Today… If love is the best gift of all and every moment is a dream come true… If the sky smiles down on you and all you’ve done for others comes back to bless you… If you feel like the most loving person on earth… then it’s a positive day!” -Linda E. Knight
I have to say I have been very blessed throughout this pandemic that I have remained positive for the most part. I know there are people that are struggling with depression and I pray for each and everyone of them. May God bless us with his grace and love.

March 5, 2021
My reflection today:
“Imagine yourself to be the type of person you want to be, and then be it. You may have to let go of some bad habits and develop some more positive ones, but don’t give up-for it is only in trying and persisting that dreams come true.
Expect changes to occur, and realize that the power to make those changes comes from within you. your thoughts and actions, your choices and decisions, and the way you spend your time determine who you are and who you will become.
You are capable and worthy of being and doing anything. You just need the discipline and determination to see it through. It won’t come instantly, and you may backslide from time to time, but don’t let that deter you. Never give up.
Life is an ever-changing process, and nothing is final. Therefore, each moment in every new day is a chance to begin anew.” – Barbara Cage
If we believe that we can do anything we will be able to do it. We just need to put our minds to it. God gives us all that we need to live our fullest life. It is all about the choices that we make each day.
May 24,2020
For today’s reflection I have two sentences:
“ Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope.” Helen Keller
“ Real optimism is aware of problems but recognizes the solutions, knows about difficulties but believes they can be overcome, sees the negatives but accentuates the positives, is exposed to the worst but expects the best, has a reason to complain but chooses to smile.” William Arthur Ward
In the beginning of this pandemic there was such darkness very little hope; now there are glimmers of hope.  I’d like to share with you a story that I have used many times about an optimist and a pessimist.
There were twins, one was an optimist and the other was a pessimist. The parents wanted to equal them out so for their birthday the parents gave the pessimist a room full of toys. They gave the optimist a room with manure. They watched the pessimist looking over his toys moaning “oh, this is going to break,oh this isn’t the right color….” they looked in at the optimist shoveling the manure saying” With all this manure there has to be a pony.