My reflection today comes from The Flowing Grace of Now:
“ It is understandable that we would want the things that seemingly give us the good life, yet when we choose to dwell on that narrow aspect of wealth, we miss a larger and truer picture of life. In your estimation, what is the good life?

Each day this week, spend a little time contemplating the riches of your life, excluding material or financial riches. What wealth do you possess that you can’t keep in the bank? What are the riches that you cannot buy? What graced gifts can you find only when you are willing to search for treasures within? What natural beauty have you failed to see around you because your mind was focused on what you are missing?” – Macrina Wiederkehr
I have been using this book for my prayer and I thought how appropriate this reflection is for the week of Thanksgiving.
Let us pause to reflect on what are the most important things in our lives that are not material.
Thank you God for all your good gifts!