My reflection today:
“Imagine yourself to be the type of person you want to be, and then be it. You may have to let go of some bad habits and develop some more positive ones, but don’t give up-for it is only in trying and persisting that dreams come true.
Expect changes to occur, and realize that the power to make those changes comes from within you. your thoughts and actions, your choices and decisions, and the way you spend your time determine who you are and who you will become.
You are capable and worthy of being and doing anything. You just need the discipline and determination to see it through. It won’t come instantly, and you may backslide from time to time, but don’t let that deter you. Never give up.
Life is an ever-changing process, and nothing is final. Therefore, each moment in every new day is a chance to begin anew.” – Barbara Cage
If we believe that we can do anything we will be able to do it. We just need to put our minds to it. God gives us all that we need to live our fullest life. It is all about the choices that we make each day.