My reflection today is from Fresh Bread:
“ I believe that this is what our God speaks to us. This is God’s ‘Happy New Year’ to us. Instead of simply working hard all by ourselves on some resolutions that we hope will change us into better people, we want to come before our winter God and offer ourselves to him, believing in his mercy, healing, and refreshment, trusting that his touch is what we most need, and that this touch is a pure, free gift. We do need to take action in our lives and to try to break old habits and attitudes that keep us from gospel living but we cannot force this to happen; indeed, it cannot happen without the grace of God active in our hearts. Just as the waiting, brown earth cannot force the snow to fall so, too, we cannot force the inner change we so long for. We can only be open, ready, waiting, yearning, and believing that God yearns the same for us and will grace our needy lives if we are receptive to the gift being offered to us.”- Joyce Rupp
Instead of making resolutions that we won’t keep, pause for a while and ask God,
“Where do I need to grow?”. Take the time to listen. God will guide each one of us on the path that we need to grow.