My reflection today is from Give Us This Day:
This is a reflection on today’s Gospel according to Luke 7:18b-23, “Go back and tell John what you have seen and heard.”
“ John the Baptist’s dilemma is not that different from the plight of many of us. How often in tragedies do we look for God to act in a specific way and then we ‘take offense’, losing faith when God fails to do what we wanted? We have witnessed so much pain, loss, and death this past year, and we see so much that needs to be done. Where has God been?
John’s disciples were told to report back the deeds of Jesus, remarkable ones on the face of it. For those with eyes to see, these were the marks of a new world unfolding, beyond expectation, beyond John’s and our road map. The images of hospital workers tirelessly trying to save lives at the risk of their own lives. The neighbors pulling together resources and protecting their elderly. Thousands volunteering to help. These are the messages of hope we cling to as we prepare for Emmanuel. God is with us.” – Diana Gaillardetz
 I think that this reflection is so powerful today.
It makes this gospel passage come alive.
There is hope in the vaccine. 
In spite of all the suffering during this pandemic. God is still with us. God is still in our midst.
God still walks with us.