August 18, 2022

My reflection is from Living Faith:
… a steadfast spirit renew within me. Psalm 51:12
“Recently I read a historical novel about three children of revolutionaries who were sent to Mexico during the Spanish Civil War.
They lived in deplorable, abusive conditions and state-run orphanages. Back in Spain, their father was shot, and their mother imprisoned. in the epilogue, we learn of the children’s leader lives how they became educated, raised families and did important work in the world. I was deeply moved by the resilience and their ability, after such childhood trauma, to choose life in love and to move forward. The lives of these three children, the fiction, we’re based on real incidents and factual details, which the author wove together to create this moving story.
When we are struggling, we must call out to the Lord to renew the divine spark within us that allows us to carry-on. Sometimes we must keep vigil for others who have tough life assignments. Our prayers can allow them to rest while we pray them into steadfastness.
Lord, renew my spirit!” Jennifer Christ

August 17, 2022

My reflection is from Living Faith:
Are you envious because I am generous? Matthew 20:15
“The vineyard laborers who are hired at dawn were wasn’t fair that they had toiled all day and yet received the same pay as those who went to work at 5 PM. Nor is it fair when someone else gets the promotion or award for which we are so qualified. Nor is it fair when other family members or neighbors appear to do little or nothing to earn the financial and physical health they enjoy, and we labor much more
and receive much less.
But if God were fair, we would all be headed for an eternity in Gehenna. God is loving, God is gracious, and yes, God is generous beyond our human understanding to everyone, not just those whom we believe have earned that love. The sweet deal that those late day laborers received is there for all of us, every day. Rather than grouse about the Lord’s generosity to others, may we offer thanks and gratitude for the many undeserving mercies showered upon us.
Jesus, may I focus on your love for me rather than measure it against your love for others.” Melanie Rigney

August 16, 2022

My reflection:
“Prayer is awe, intimacy, struggle – yet the way to reality. There is nothing more important, or harder, or richer, or more life-altering. There is absolutely nothing so great as prayer.” Timothy Keller

August 15, 2022

My reflection is today’s opening prayer at Mass:
“Almighty ever-living God, who assumed the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of your Son, body and soul into heavenly glory, grant, we pray, that, always attentive to the things that are above, we may merit to be sharers of her glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.”
Let us ask Mary to guide us through today in each day

August 14, 2022

My reflection:
“Good or bad, feelings need expression; they must be recognized and given freedom to reveal themselves. Put away the myth that says you must be strong enough to face the whole world with a smile and a brave attitude all of the time. You have your feelings that say otherwise, so admit that they are there. Use their healing power to put the past behind you, and realize those expressive stirrings in your heart are very much a part of you. Use them to get better, to find peace within, to be true to yourself.” Barbara J. Hall

August 13, 2022

My reflection:
“Even if you don’t have everything you want, even if you’re in pain or in need, you can choose to be joyful no matter what you’re experiencing. You are more than your body, your physical presence, and your material possessions. You are spirit. Do you have your mind, heart, and soul, and there is always something to be thankful for.” Douglas Pagels
God gives us so many gifts. Let us take the time each day and thank God for all the gifts that we have received

August 11, 2022

My reflection:
To be in the moment means to sit in reflection, in silence, allowing for thoughts and emotions to flow freely. It means to take a breather from your every day schedule to enjoy the simple things of life.
“To be in the moment means not letting life pass you by. It allows you to experience each moment for what it is and then let it go like a feather floating in the wind.
To be in the moment allows us to see the many blessings we have – the wonderful gifts that we so quickly look past in our day-to-day lives. It means truly and entirely living.”
Lamisha Serf
Let us stop and thank God for all the gifts in our life.?

August 10, 2022

My reflection:
“It isn’t always easy to make changes, but there’s no better advice than this: just do your best. Make sure you stay strong enough to move ahead, because there are some wonderful rewards waiting for you.
It won’t all make sense right away, but I promise you: over the course of time, answers will come, decisions will prove to be the right ones, and the path will be easier to see.” Douglas Pagels

August 9, 2022

My reflection:
“Having prayer in your life means that you have peace and comfort in your heart as you walk down any pathway your life has to offer.
It means you can talk to a caring and compassionate Father who always has the time to listen and who never fails to understand the depth of your soul.
Having prayer in your life means having the assurance that nothing can ever come your way that you and God, united together, cannot deal with and ultimately overcome. He has His hands in everything and things will always work out for your good.
When you pray, you can be assured, with no uncertainty, that you will be given the strength to endure anything that happens to you, and you will become a better person. Cathy
Beddow Keener
Loving God, give me the strength to take time each day in quiet prayer.?