January 28, 2023

My reflection:
“And tomorrow? That’s the place where promises come true. You need to be smart and stay strong to live the life you want to have. But don’t ever forget; you are creative and capable and wise, and I know you have what it takes to make your days everything you want them to be. And remember this for sure… You can’t change a single thing about the past, But you can change absolutely everything about the future.” Douglas Pagels

January 27, 2023

My reflection is from Living Faith:
This is how it is with the Kingdom of God. Mark 4:26
“I love to watch kids play, especially when I get lost in my grown-up thoughts. At those times, I yearn to join them, but my height and wrinkles would give me away. Kids delight in the truth. They see with eyes unclouded by judgment. They’re hungry to learn and excited to discover the wonders of all around them. Dandelion bouquets and dead bugs are the gifts to others from their humble hearts.
Kids aren’t afraid to be vulnerable. They love simply can I say the same? As adults, do we forget the children we once were?
Matthew 18:3 serves as a reminder: Unless we become like little children we will not enter the kingdom of God. There is a child in each of us, ready to teach us and to lead us home to God’s Kingdom.
May we see with the eyes of a child and rejoice in the wonders of God’s love.” Gail Goleas

January 26, 2023

My reflection:
Let go of guilt; it’s okay to make the same mistakes again. Let go of obsessions; they seldom turn out the way you planned. Let go of hate; it’s a waste of love. Let go of blaming others; you are responsible for your own destiny.
Let go of fantasies; so reality can come true.

January 25, 2023

My reflection:
“I have some good news about your future
Yesterday is behind you. What’s done is done, and it’s important for you to take what you’ve learned from the past and just move on. Today is a brand new opportunity, a blank canvas, an unwritten page… just waiting to see. All that needs to happen right now is for you to do all the amazing things you’re capable of…” Douglas Pagels

January 24, 2023

My reflection is from Living Faith:
I have waited, waited for the Lord, and he stooped toward me. Psalm 40:2
“We all experience seemingly endless times of waiting in our lives. Perhaps you’ve waited for your teenager to pull in the driveway safely and before curfew, or for an overdue baby to finally make her entrance into the world or for a stubborn wound to heal. The Psalmist, however, is not dwelling on the waiting but rather on the experience of God stooping to draw near. This verse makes me aware that I can change my perspective in the waiting and be more alert to God reaching out to me.
God is near when I get my traveling son’s text: ‘Made it back, Mom.’ I feel God’s presence through the prayers of my friends if I’m facing a medical challenge. God leans in via beautiful flowers sent to lighten my grief over the loss of two family members. God is so close in the warm sunbeam spilling over my bedroom floor on a steely cold winter’s morning.
Lord, in the waiting, help me to be alert to you stooping toward me.” Jennifer Christ

January 23, 2023

My reflection:
“Mind and body
Thoughts and emotions
Revolving around
A single center point.
Varied movements
Actively churning
From a quiet center.
A quiet center forms
In their midst.
We feel the center of our Self,
The inner center of our Self,
It is neither body
Nor mind
But a center point
Not this, not that,
A single center point,
The inner center of the Self.” Ira Progoff
All reactions:


January 21, 2023

My reflection:
“When ever you sense a feeling that is not harmonious, peaceful, and loving – all of which are your nature – you know you are out of alignment. So pause for a moment. Recognize this is not who you are or who you want to be. Take a deep breath and stop. You always have the power to pause at any moment.” Mary Manin Morrissey
Get in touch with God’s Spirit within you.