April 24, 2021

My reflection today is from Give Us This Day:
“My children are light sleepers, so when they fall asleep on me in the rocking chair, it can be a real challenge to get them into their crib without waking them up. Over time I’ve learned the delicate art of pressing them close during the transfer. That way, even if the chair and the door (and my knees!) all creak in unison, the stirring child quickly softens back to sleep as soon as I gently tighten my embrace.
I’ve often found that God holds us with the same closeness during the difficult transitions of our lives. And unexpected people often emerge to lead us through the darkness. We see this when Christ met Saul, held him close, and led him to Ananias. Previously fearful of Saul’s murderous threats, Ananias lays his hands upon him, heals him, feeds him, even watches as he takes his first wobbly steps as a newly baptized Christian.” – Michael J. Sanem
I love this image of God holding us close to him during difficult times in our lives. Actually God holds us all the time but we feel the need of it more during difficult times. Let us pause and thank God for being present in our lives every day!