April 10, 2023

 My reflection is from Living Faith:
God raised this Jesus; this we are all witnesses. Acts 2:32
“Reimagine that first Easter-the emotional peaks and valleys that have just transpired. Today’s scriptures show Mary Magdalene fearful-yet overjoyed running to announce Jesus’ resurrection. And Peter and the apostles boldly proclaim Christ to people who crucified him.
Yes. We are all witnesses – sometimes testifying to the Risen Jesus for others.  What does that look like for you? Have you ever had the brashness of Peter and the apostles, setting straight those who offend our Lord? Maybe, like Mary Magdalene, you’ve harnessed fear and joy, announcing great news to those closest to you? We are called to witness in countless ways. Christ did not place us in a witness protection program to avoid anyone who might threaten us and our desire to testify. No. But he did places in the world desperately needing his joy. And in that, we are all his witnesses.
Dear Jesus, please help us to credibly witness the joy of your resurrection in all we do. ” Kathleen Swartz McQuaig