My reflection today is from Fresh Bread:
“Loving God, that you would think my heart capable of belonging to you! You have filled my life with your goodness in so many ways. I hear the call to give myself to your love in an ever deeper and more complete way. I long to follow you so totally that you are evident in every fiber of my life.
I pray for faith, that long lasting, true sense of you that weathers all storms, that comes across the waters bravely when you ask for me, that sinks into your love and lets go of anxieties and worries, that looks long into the eyes of others sufferings, that takes care to be gentle with sinners and those whose lives are never free from intense pain of body or spirit.” – Joyce Rupp
May God give us the strength to live by this prayer.
I would ask that you please keep Father Tom Sievel in your prayer, he is having back surgery tomorrow (September 16).