My reflection today continues from Fresh Bread:
“ We humans have a lot to learn from autumn trees. No one of us wants to be so surrendered, so vulnerable to winter as the October trees. Yet, each of us, if we are truly open to growth and change, will experience this in our inner selves. Our relationships and our experiences of life will ask us to be open, to be willing to let go in order that new growth can come.
New growth means change. Trees tell us this. Life tells us this. Jesus tells us this. One of the most beautiful aspects of the Incarnation is that the Son of God allowed himself to be vulnerable. He came as one of us and he opened himself up in love to the possibility of failure, being wounded, misunderstood, and rejected, all of those things that we know as ‘daily dyings’, like those autumn leaves fast falling from trees.”- Joyce Rupp
Today is the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels. 
Let us ask our guardian angel to help us through this difficult time of change and uncertainty.
Let us also pray for President Trump, first lady Melania, and all those who tested positive for COVID-19.