November 5, 2022

5 My reflection is from Living Faith
I know indeed how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance… I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me. Philippians 4:12, 13
”As he travels from place to place, Paul prided himself and his self-sufficiency when it came to caring for his needs. His words to the Philippines show the perspective of a person who has learned to accept whatever flows into or out of his life. He gives evidence of wisdom he’s gathered in gratitude he’s cultivated over the span of his ministry. Most telling is his noting that he has the strength to do this through all seasons by the power and grace of the God who accompanies him.
That same Holy One also empowers us today. To be truly grateful people, we are called to live lives of reflection so that we’re able to recognize whatever comes and to say thank you in both the lean and the abundant times.
Holy One, may I have a grateful heart for whatever comes into my life today.” Sr. Chris Koelhoffer, I.H.M