“BE ALERT, BE ALERT, so that you will be able to recognize your Lord in your husband, your wife, your parents, your children, your friends, your teachers, but also in all that you read in the daily newspapers. The Lord is coming, always coming. Be alert to his coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord…” Still, I keep making my mistakes. Tonight I went to see The Stuntman, a movie about the making of a film. The movie was so filled with images of greed and lust, manipulation and exploitation, fearful and painful sensations that it filled all the empty spaces that could have been blessed by the spirit of Advent…Why do we keep missing the most obvious signs of God’s coming and allow our hearts to be filled with all those things that keep suggesting, not that the Lord is coming, but that nothing will happen unless we make it happen?
I hope and pray that Advent will not be filled with stuntman, but with the spirit of Him who invites us to listen carefully to the sounds of the New Earth that are manifesting themselves in the midst of the old.” -Henri Nouwen

During this Advent let us be alert, watching at all the different times our God reveals Himself. 
Maybe because of this pandemic, we won’t be rushing around as much as we have done in the past. We will notice God in each of our encounters.