March 25, 2022

My reflection today is from Living Faith:
Then the angel departed from her. Luke 1:38
“Today we thank Our Blessed Mother for her surrender. But let’s not overlook the last sentence. ‘And then the angel departed from her.’ What a challenge for Mary to manage this momententes and life-changing news! Yet God would be with her – even within her womb for months! – when future trials came.
Mary’s example helps us face uncertainty. In a moment of faith and joy, we surrender our lives to God. And over time, God continues to lead us, even if disillusionment sets in, our life becomes a struggle with it’s pronounced reality checks. We might feel very alone in a time of dryness. Yet we can either ring our hands in frustration or open them in anticipation to divine possibilities.
We may not have an angel to appear and direct us like Mary. But we can pray to our guardian angels and walk by faith, not by sight. When faith sustains us, we are confident that God will never let us down. Upward and onward, we go with our surrendering yeses once again on our lips.” Sr. Bridget Haase, O.S.U.
When Mary said yes to the angel Gabriel, she probably didn’t have a clue of what was going to happen with her life. Yet she trusted with all her might and God was faithful to her throughout her entire life. God is also walking with us every day of our life