My reflection is from Living Faith:
The Lord God took Abram outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can.” Just so, he added, “shall your descendants be.” Genesis 15:5
“Since my childhood years of standing on our deck and squinting my eyes at the heavens, I have been a stargazer. Few actions confirm my place in the family of creation more clearly than a midnight sky sparkling with those heavenly bodies. I am overwhelmed by immensity. I feel my smallness. I’m painfully aware that my counting skills are not up to the task, that my words failed to capture what my eyes delight in taking in.
I picture Abram sharing my awe and wonder and profound gratitude for the unexpected but grateful received generosity of the God standing beside him. This God who ensured that Abram’s name would live through his descendants is the same extravagant God who stands beside all of us, promising faithful presence and enduring love as incalculable as a sky heavy with stars.” Sr. Chris Koellhoffer, I.H.M.
God stands by each one of us every day of our lives.