My reflection today is from Living Faith:
Blessed are you who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways! Psalm 128:1
“ when we are very young, we learn a few simple and clear lessons: God created us. God knows us. God loves us. But the idea of ‘fearing’ this creating, personal, loving God throws us for a loop. What can that possibly mean?
The fear of the Lord that is required of us is a kin to the deep, confusing emotion we feel standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon or another of earth’s great wonders. This kind of fear is the beginning of wisdom and everything holy. For if we can learn to pray and worship with this kind of ‘fear’, we just might be able to believe that we are created, known and loved by that God
Standing speechless and breathless before God, the very best thing we can do is follow.” Steve Givens
I have always struggled with the phrase ‘fear of the Lord’ but I like this image. It gives me a new perspective. Let us ask God’s Spirit to keep opening our eyes to new and inspiring ideas