My reflection today: Trimming the Tree
“Everyone wants some part in choosing and decorating the Christmas tree. It’s a holiday activity that generates its own joy. As uniquely decorated as families are unique, a tree captures the Christmas spirit.
While it has become the popular focal point for piles of wrapped gifts, the Christmas trees ancient focus was on Jesus. It was a symbol of a living and growing faith that comes to us through him.
The world received Jesus through a ‘family tree’. Each of his ancestors and relatives was a link between Jesus and our human family. God‘s plan for saving us could not have been realized without them.
As we trim our family tree this year, let us recall our parents, grandparents, etc., as far back as possible, living and dead, being thankful in prayer for each contribution to our own, our families life. Do we see ourselves as a link in God’s ‘family tree,’ transmitting faith and demonstrating love to others?” -Terrance Schneider
I don’t know about you but Terrance has given me a different perspective about the Christmas tree.
Let us remember all of our loved ones as we look at our Christmas tree.
Blessing of the Christmas tree:
Dear Father, Jesus was born homeless in a stable cave, coming into our lives to light up our world with peace and joy. Bless our tree and our home. As our tree lights bring light and joy into our home, may we, too, shine brightly as we welcomed Jesus, the light of the world, into our hearts. Bless our Christmas celebration with happiness love and peace. Amen