December 8, 2021

My reflection today is from Give Us This Day:
”Christine took a terrifying leap of faith: she quit her job as a corporate trainer and began a second career as a prison chaplain. I thought about Christine. I thought about the way she said yes to God’s invitation. And it occurred to me that her story was not so different from the story of that young woman from Nazareth. Just like Mary, when Christine said yes to God, Christ came into the world. Every yes to God’s call is an incarnation of Jesus Christ. He takes on flesh in our lives of love and service. That night I wrote in my journal, ‘Christ enters the world again and again!’
The feast of the Immaculate Conception is about Mary, not Jesus. But isn’t it always all about Jesus? Isn’t it all about the call to welcome Christ into our lives and bring him forth into the world?”  Edward P. Hahnenberg
How do we bring Christ into the world? Let us pause and reflect on how we can be like Mary, bringing Christ into our needy world.?