My reflection today: Displaying the Crib
“It is not unusual to find a nativity scene in the midst of home decorations. As a symbol of Christmas, however, it is usually secondary to the trimmed tree and mounds of gifts. Jesus found himself in an ‘off to the side’ dwelling on the first Christmas as well. He was laid in an animal’s feed box, not a clean hospital nursery or comfortable mattress bed. Only swaddling cloth separated the Son of God from a hay-filled feeding trough.
Jesus, too, dwells in the world, our King and kin. Are we pushing him aside? Does the location of our manger scene say something this Christmas about Jesus’ place in our life? Are we willing to adjust our lifestyle or make the extra effort that a greater commitment to Christ may demand? Jesus is trying to burst into our life, to dwell in our heart. Is our life so comfortable as to refuse any disturbance by him?” – Terrance Schneider
Blessing of the crib: Father, you sent your Son, Jesus to us, born in a humble stable. Bless this crib, our remembering of his birth, and light up our hearts to be a dwelling place for Jesus’ love. May his love and happiness be shared by us within our family, and with all we know. Keep our Christmas joy ever alive and bright. Amen.