My reflection today:
Today is Foundation Day for the Sisters of Mercy.
In 1831, Catherine McAuley, Mary Ann Doyle and Mary Elizabeth Harley professed their vows as Sister of Mercy, thus establishing the new Institute.  In 2019 there were 6,200 Sisters of Mercy throughout the world. Catherine McAuley used her inheritance to build a House of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland. As Sisters of Mercy we profess four vows, poverty chastity, obedience and service to the poor, sick and ignorant.
I would like to close with Catherine McAuley‘s prayer: My God, I am yours for time and eternity. Teach me to cast myself entirely into the arms of your loving Providence with the most lively, unlimited confidence in your compassionate, tender pity. Grant me, almost merciful redeemer, that whatever you ordain or permit may be acceptable to me. Take from my heart all painful anxiety; suffer nothing to sadden me but sin, nothing to delight me but the hope of coming to the possession of you, my God and my all, in your everlasting kingdom. Amen.