Christmas Eve
“Today marks a turning point – not a true Advent day, but not quite Christmas either. We live unsure of the days impact on us. We are still preparing as we address some last minute detail; we are already celebrating as we rush off to a dinner and gift exchange. Is Christmas almost over, or just beginning? It is a day of restlessness.
Every family celebrates Christmas Eve in a different way. One family exchanges gifts after an early dinner, one family after midnight Mass; still another family leaves cookies for Santa and is off to bed early. There is no one right way to celebrate, except that few of us like to be empty-handed with nothing to give to another.
The first Christmas Eve found people equally unsure of the day’s impact on their lives. heaven met earth in the lives of ordinary people to save the lost, to establish the kingdom, to elevate humankind. There was no right way to celebrate that turning point of history – except not wanting to be empty-handed.
This Christmas Eve God’s love still works in quiet places, among unnoticed people, in the ordinary situations of our lives. He reaches into the ordinary to make it grace filled. Jesus is coming to us; must we celebrate empty-handed, empty hearted?” – Terrance Schneider
Dear God, blessed are you and worthy of our love and prayers. Teach us not to limit Christmas to the next 24 hours. May the warmth, joy and love of this day make an impact on every day we live. Amen.