September 17, 2022

My reflection:

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inward peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” Francis de Sales
God is always walking with us.?

September 16, 2022

My reflection:
“You are such a deserving person, much more than you give yourself credit for being. There are many, many things you do for everyone else. So please, do this one thing for yourself: the next time you picture your future, take the time to brush up on your wishing skills and imagine what a joyful, fulfilling tomorrow looks like… for you.
Don’t just color in a paint-by-numbers image of what you’re ‘expected’ to be. Come up with a picture that truly reflects you’re down-to-the-core desires and your most-hoped-for-goals. make it a masterpiece that shows you with a big smile on your face as you take steps on the path that leads in the direction of your dreams. And use that beautiful image to inspire you to make your life more of what you want it to be.
Do it because this is exactly what you would want for someone else. And do it because you deserve the same considerate, wonderful wish…for yourself. Douglas Pagels

September 15, 2022

My reflection:
“We must pray without ceasing, in every occurrence and employment of our lives – that prayer which is rather a habit of lifting up the heart to God as in a constant communication with Him.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

September 12, 2022

My reflection:

“In our busy lives, we let life carry us away on a never-ending road filled with responsibilities of a day-to-day existence.
We often forget that there is more along the way then just bills to pay, phone calls to return, and errands to run. There are people in our lives who need to be hugged, who need to be loved. There are people in our lives who need their accomplishments noticed and praised. We need to remember how fragile hearts can be, how quickly a soul can grow weary, how fast a spirit can break.
We forget that a heart is like a garden that needs to be tended to and nourished with what only another heart can give – love and appreciation, devotion and honesty.”
Tracia Glaudemans

September 10, 2022

My reflection is from Living Faith:
How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me? Psalm 116:12
“It is one thing to occasionally say, ‘Thanks, God,’ for the blessings we have received. but it is far more important to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. We can develop such an attitude first by being on the lookout for good things in our every day life. Sometimes these good things are extraordinary: the birth of a healthy baby, the recovery from an illness, the mending of a relationship. other times these good things are things we tend to take for granted: a safe place to live, a loyal friend, the mystery and beauty of the natural world.
Another way of cultivating an attitude of gratitude is by openly thanking individuals who do good things for us: a family member, a coworker, a neighbor, a parish priest, a receptionist, a nurse, the letter carrier. Saying thank you is good; writing a thank you note or sending an appreciative email is even better.
Generous God, Source of all blessings, I ask for this special blessing: an attitude of gratitude.”
Sr. Melannie Svoboda,S.N.D.
Thank you God for all your gifts!

September 9, 2022

My reflection:
“You’ve got your life… If you’re not happy, satisfied, encouraged, and hopeful, you’re cheating yourself. You can talk and talk to yourself about what you need to do to honor your life, but if you don’t turn those thoughts into actions, you’re just playing games and giving up to whatever comes to mind.
You’ve got the power to make choices… Your life is the manifestation of the choices you make each moment and each day. When you use this awesome gift your best advantage, there is nothing you can’t do.” Donna Fargo

September 8, 2022

My reflection is from Living Faith:
With delight I rejoice in the Lord. Isaiah 61:10
“In my family, September 8 speaks of promise. My parents fell in love September 8. My in-laws married September 8. And today in our Church family, we celebrate Mary’s birth, September 8. How delightful that God’s promise of a Savior commences first in the birth of this precious daughter.
Her fiat ushered in the Savior of the World. Can you imagine? This grace filled young woman satisfied her own plans and rejoisted in the Lord and gave him her ‘yes.’ Mary’s betrothed – Joseph – also defied the unknown. He said aside his initial fears and gave his total assent to our Lord. Together, the holy couple promised fidelity both to the Father and to a helpless infant who would save us all – just is promised.
What promise might God be waiting to fulfill in you? How can you say ‘yes’ to God‘s call today?
With delight, O Lord, I rejoice in you. May I always unite my will with yours.” Kathleen Swartz McQuaig