February 28, 2023

My reflection is from Living Faith:
When they just cry out, the Lord hears them, and from all their distress he rescues them. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. Psalm 34:18–19
“Have you ever been crushed in spirit? Brokenhearted? In distress? Crying out to God? I call those experiences ‘the school no one ever wants to attend,’ the school of pain, and loss and losing one’s grip on hope. of course, no one ever wants to register for such a school, but I’ve come to believe there is much important learning that can come to us from these excruciating moments that we might not come to by any other way.
Where is God at these times? The psalmist tells us the Holy One is close to the brokenhearted. The Holy One offers us his presence, walking beside us accompanying us a showing us that we are not alone or abandoned. May we do and be the same for others.” Sr. Chris Koellhoffe

February 27, 2023

My reflection:
“Welcome… to the rest of your life. It’s a life full of amazing adventures, should you choose them. You no longer have to settle for less than you deserve.”
Lisa Steadman
God is always with us! ?

February 26, 2023

My reflection:
“Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. (Guillaume Apollinaire)
Don’t let anyone hold your happiness in their hands; hold it in yours, so it will always be within your reach.  (Nancye Sims)
Real happiness comes from knowing who you are and being the best that you can be.
Keep knocking, and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who’s there. (Rumi)

February 22, 2023

My reflection:
“Go out of your way to be good to an older person. You’ll discover that you can make somebody’s entire day with a smile, a phone call, some fresh picked daisies, or whatever it is you’ve got.
Our elders have so much to give to those who listen, but they are the ones who deserve to receive. Don’t pass up the chance to brighten their lives. An old adage reminds us that they need only a little, but they need that little – a lot.”  Douglas Pagels

February 20, 2023

My reflection:
“If there are children in the circle of your life, help them be happy. Listen to them. Laugh with them. Teach them to fill their hearts with feelings of wonder and to be full of courage and hope. Help them live strong. Inspire them by telling them of remarkable things. And whenever they wonder if it’s worthwhile to dream, remind them that there are footprints on the moon – and that, yes, a person’s highest hopes really can come true.” Douglas Pagels

February 19, 2023

My reflection:
“Take nothing for granted: the sheer act of waking each day; fresh air upon your cheek; each effort expended on self or another – walking the dog, shopping for food, toiling at home, in an office, or on the road. Every moment is rare, short, and full of glory. Every word is magic; a story achieved through will. Marvel at nature’s moods as mirror of your own. Recall a sunrise or sunset, a flock of geese in the sky.
Care about parents or children as fragile gifts, like petals on a rose, like songs from one bird. Praise the simple or complex – the invention of flight above the clouds; the wheel; the bathtub; a rocking chair. We rise and fall in the moon or a wave, in a smile or many tears. And being brave is to be alive as we give and share love always, only and ever to survive.” Rochelle Lynn Holt