My reflection today:
“We don’t often take the time out of our busy lives to think about all the beautiful things and to be thankful for them if we did reflect on these things we would realize how very lucky and fortunate we really are
I am very thankful for the love of my husband – which is so complete and fulfilling and is based on honesty, equality intellectualism and romance
I am very thankful for the love of my children – which is all encompassing and is based on teaching, tenderness sensitivity, caring and hugging
I am very thankful that I am able to love and that the love is returned to me
I am very thankful that I am healthy and that the people I love are healthy
I am very thankful that I have dreams to follow and goals to strive for
I am very thankful for the beauty of nature-magnificent mountains the colorful leaves the smell of the flowers the roaring of the waves the setting sun the rising moon.
Everywhere I look I see the wonders of nature and I feel so proud to be a small part of it
I am very thankful for all the good people in the world I am very thankful that I have good friends
I am very thankful to be alive in a time when we can make the world a better place to live in” – Susan Polis Schutz
There is so much in our lives to be thankful for… We can stop and be grateful for what we have been given or we can complain about what we don’t have. We can choose to be grateful or we can choose to be miserable. God gives us our choice.