April 29, 2020

Today’s reflection comes from Give Us This Day:

“ I am struck by how God sees to good outcomes in each of today’s readings. In Acts, persecution scatters the followers of Jesus – and yet, wherever they go, the church puts down new roots, and sprouts appear. The Psalmist reminds us that God has turned the sea into dryland, making a way for his pilgrims. And Jesus says he will not lose anything that God gave him but will “raise it on the last day”
God had given him people, and Jesus assured his followers that they were safe in God’s holy grasp.

We so often try to control the details of daily life so that everything is “right “. We strive for comfort and certainty. We want to feel certain that we have done the right thing and then it will lead to the right outcome. The Scriptures don’t really encourage our control or our certainty. The sacred stories encourage us to trust God‘s love Dash and to stay close to Jesus.”
Vinita Hampton Wright

In this pandemic we are dealing with so much uncertainty. We are called to trust God and stay close to Jesus. Amen