April 27, 2022

My reflection today is from The Little White Book:
Jesus said: “A second time, the king sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those invited: Behold I have prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle are killed, and everything is ready; come to the feast. Mt 22:4
“Who would turn down an invitation to a banquet with delicious food, choice wine, and good company?
The people in this Gospel parable would.
They were too busy.
Sometimes like the people in the Gospel, I am an invited guest to a feast and I am too busy to attend. Or maybe there’s a division or bad feeling between myself and the host or the guests, and I can’t bring myself to sit next to them-literally or figuratively. So I don’t go to the feast.
Do I except God’s invitation to the feast and join in, or do I just stay home?
Why would I refuse to attend?”
God has prepared so many things for us are we aware of God’s generosity?