April 1,2023

My reflection is from Living Faith:
I will turn their morning into joy… Jeremiah 31:13
“Today’s first reading is filled with good news. God, through the prophet Ezekiel, promises to unify the dispersed children of Israel adding, ‘I will be their God, and they shall be my people’ (Ezekiel 27/27). In contrast, the Gospel contains bad news: The leaders of the Pharisees and Sanhedrin plan to kill Jesus.
On some days, we, too, experience good news: the birth of a baby, help from a friend, the coming of spring. At the same time, we can receive bad news: the diagnosis of a serious illness, the break up of a cherished relationship, a financial setback.
As we move into Holy Week,let us remind ourselves that good news and bad news are often intertwined. Before his arrest (bad news), Jesus gives us the Eucharist (good news!). And his terrible death will lead to his glorious resurrection – the best ‘Good News’of all!
God of my whole life, thank you for being with me all my days, in times of bad news and good news.” Sr. Melannie Svoboda, S.N.D.
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