My reflection today:
Most of us have heard the story of doubting Thomas. I like to think of him as believing Thomas since he proclaimed; “ My Lord and my God.” when I was in second grade, my first communion class, the Sister taught us at the consecration, when the priest raises the host and the chalice to pray, “My Lord and my God.” After all those years, I still do it today.
It is also Divine Mercy Sunday let us think about the ABC’s that Saint Faustina shared:
A. Ask for mercy.
The best way to ask for God‘s mercy for ourselves is through the sacrament of reconciliation.
Here is what Jesus told Saint Faustina about the sacrament of reconciliation, this was in her diary in 1602:
—“When you approach the confessional know this, that I myself am waiting there for you.
— I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul.
—Hear the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy.”
But we can also ask for mercy for others, especially by praying for those who don’t trust or believe in Christ’s Mercy.
B. Be merciful.
Jesus told St. Faustina, “I demand from you deeds of mercy… You are to show deeds of mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere”
This means doing good things for others not because they deserve it or to get a reward, but simply in order to follow in the footsteps of our merciful Lord.
But where can we find the strength to do that?
C. Completely trust in Christ.
Jesus himself will give us his grace, if we let him. He will make us into ambassadors of his mercy, just as he did with the first Apostles.
Whenever we are afraid to ask for mercy, when we feel too weak to be merciful, we should simply pray the prayer that Jesus told St. Faustina to write underneath the image of his divine mercy: “Jesus, I trust in you. “
And let’s start right now, Ask for mercy, Be merciful, and Completely trust in Jesus.