My reflection today comes from Give Us This Day:
“‘Pray at every opportunity… be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones.’
The [holy ones] spoken of here are the saints at your elbow, the saints in your household, and the saints you shop with at the supermarket. They are the strangers you meet each day.
I used to worry about how to be faithful and praying for all these ordinary saints. While I was looking for ‘a way’ to pray for those who are a part of my life, ‘the way’ found me. I call it the Prayer of the Teacup. It is a lovely way of walking with strangers.
The first fifteen minutes of each day I reserve for the saints on earth. It is one of my favorite morning rituals. I begin my day with a cup of tea or coffee. As the steam from my cup ascends to the heavens I walk with all my favorite strangers into the heart of God. There is a bit of the stranger in everyone – even friends.
I simply look at these strangers and friends whom God loves, and I yearn for their good.” – Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr
I thought that this was a very interesting way to start the morning, especially with our going into November where we remember all saints. A time to remember not only the canonized saints, but those of our loved ones who have died, and those walking with us today.