My reflection today is from Living Faith:
do not become drowsy from… the anxieties of daily life… Luke 21:34
“It is very easy to get caught up in the daily anxieties of the world. These days, there is a lot to be anxious about!
But in advance, we step back for a moment and refocus. Where are we ultimately headed? What is of greatest importance? Once again, we are reminded of how transitory all our daily concerns are.
We are headed for God’s Eternity; God must be first in our lives. So, we take a deep breath and relax. We may have been too tense, too preoccupied, too concerned with every day life.
When we relax and open our spiritual eyes to God’s presence, we become spiritually “awake.” In Advent, and always, we are called to be vigilant
Heavenly God, let me always be vigilant with my eyes fixed on you, until the day when you finally call me home.” Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti
My friend’s stroke reminded me how important it is to be in touch with people who have touched our lives.