My reflection today:
“Jesus calls us to gratitude. He calls us to recognize that gladness and sadness are never separate, that joy and sorrow really belong together, and that mourning and dancing are part of the same movement. That is why Jesus calls us to be grateful for every moment that we have lived and to claim our unique journey as God’s way to mold our hearts to greater conformity with God’s own. The cross is the main symbol of our faith, and it invites us to find hope where we see pain and to reaffirm the resurrection where we see death. The call to be grateful is a call to trust that every moment of our life can be claimed as the way of the cross that leads us to new life.” – Henri Nouwen
Each day during this November let us pause and thank God for all of life.
Unfortunately, suffering is a part of our life but Jesus takes our suffering and gives us the grace to get through difficult times. Jesus also is there celebrating with us when we are happy.
When I first entered the Sisters of Mercy, I met Sister Miriam who was blind. I will never forget when she said she saw her blindness as a gift. She told me she “saw” more things being blind than if she could see. She was one of the happiest people that I ever met. What a grace!