My reflection today is from Living Faith:
“ ‘They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith, saying, ‘It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.’ Acts 14:22
The day my mother died at home, after her five-year battle with breast cancer, we had to wait hours for the medical examiner to come to our house. He had been long delayed at another house in the city – a house where a young mother and two of her children had died in a fire. Some hardships linger for years on end. Others come suddenly.
More than a million families worldwide lost loved ones due to the coronavirus. We’ve faced numerous related hardships associated with it. Add in every day challenges, and we can be easily overwhelmed.
Yet we are repeatedly assured that God loves us and that we are to enjoy his incalculable blessings. Family, friends and even people we don’t know will help us. We have, as the disciples did, the Church – to ‘strengthen our spirits’ and help us to ‘persevere in the faith.’” Terrence Hegarty
During this pandemic some people have had such tragic events in their lives. Others have had difficult times.
No matter what we are facing, I believe that God is with us through everything.
God is that faithful spirit that helps us to get through whatever problem we face.