My reflection is from Living Faith:
The God who answers with fire is God. 1Kings 18:24
“I put out a campfire recently. The flames had already died down, leaving only a lava-red glow. I’m not a veteran camper, so I was astonished when the bucket of water I threw at the scorching logs evaporated in a cloud of steam. I’d known since childhood that water puts out fire, but until that moment, I didn’t know that fire can put out water!
Elijah must’ve known it. Even though God seemed distant and silent to the people of Baal, Elijah knew that God could explode his sopping wet offering into flames. God can answer our call with fire too. God can make our hearts burn within us when we listen to his Word. He can burst into a period of spiritual dryness and ignite our faith anew. He can inflame our hearts with love for our neighbor, a desire for justice and the joy of the gospel.
Make your heart an offering to God and just see what he ignites in you!
Almighty God, inflame my heart!” Karla Manternach
It is amazing how God’s spirit can renew our faith. We just need to reach out and ask God’s Spirit to guide us.