My reflection today is from Living Faith:
“Jesus was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. They woke him and said to him, “Teacher do you not care that we are perishing?” Mark 4:38
We might easily get annoyed when someone doesn’t take a situation as seriously as we do. If we’re worried, we want others to be worried right along with us. But when the apostles were panicking, fearing for their lives, Jesus was sound asleep! How could he be so calm about the situation? The apostles were experienced fisherman. No doubt they had passed through their share of storms, so they knew that this was a severe one. They knew that they couldn’t handle the situation on their own. And so, they called on Jesus. The times that we most worried, when we panic and are most afraid, are usually the times when we have failed to put our faith in God. Jesus awoke and rescued the apostles.
No matter where we go, no matter what we’re facing, let’s not panic. Let’s recall our faith and remember that Jesus is always in the boat with us.” Terrence Hegarty
This is easier said than done. It is easier to tell someone not to worry. I think back when I was young and my father was there when I was worried or afraid. He had such a calming effect. Thank you God for this reminder, that you are always with us no matter what we are going through.