My reflection is from Give Us This Day:
“Two years ago, while dealing with a serious health problem, I had a deep and abiding sense of being held and supported by a strength that came from beyond my own resources. It came from friends who carried me into the presence of Jesus. They didn’t carry me in on a mat the way friends brought a paralyzed man into Jesus’ presence. No one dug through a roof and removed it. Rather, my friends carried me to Jesus with the resources of faith and in prayer. For the strength and healing that came from that grace, I am deeply grateful.
To demonstrate his authority to heal the deepest, most hidden part of our life through forgiveness, Jesus heals the paralyzed persons physical needs. Body and spirit belong together; the gift of God‘s grace is for life in its fullness. All our needs for healing can be carried into the presence of Jesus.”
I can’t believe how appropriate this is for me at this time. I would like to thank all who carried me into the presence of Jesus. So many people have been so generous. Amen