My reflection is from Living Faith:
Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled. Luke 1:45
“During Advent, we find ourselves looking all the more to Mary as our model of faith. Whether or not we have any particular devotion to her, the story of her faith during these Advent days can be transforming for us, if we allow it to be. Mary’s ‘yes’ to God her willingness to be and do the impossible, speaks to all of us who are trying to make sense of the puzzles and pain life may throw our way.
With Mary as example and guide, ‘Hail Mary, full of grace’ becomes ‘Here I am, full of grace.’ ‘Blessed are you among women’ becomes ‘blessed am I called to live in the world.’ ‘Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus’ is transformed into ‘Blesses is the fruit of my life, Jesus. Mary becomes our model of prayer because, like her, we are also called to bring Christ to those who need him.” Steve Givens
Mary can teach us so much if we only take the time and turn to her.