November 17, 2022

My reflection:
“Within yourself lies the cause of whatever enters into your life. To come into the full realization of your own awakened interior powers is to be able to condition your life in exact accord with what you would have it.” Ralph Waldo Trine

November 16, 2022

My reflection:
“Sometimes, it seems as if the world around you is spinning out of control. Thankfully, the very things that can help you through times like these are the ones you have complete control over.
Face… Hope… Heart… These are the things that keep you empowered. They can’t be taken from you but you can use them to face adversity head-on and rise triumphantly above it.
No matter what unfolds, remember that nothing has the power to pull you down into a downward spiral. Instead, you can use any difficulty you encounter as a springboard to send you soaring among the stars.” Lynn Keachie
God will raise us up through any difficulties that we face.?

November 15, 2022

My reflection:
“Tucked away in a secret corner of our hearts is that college degree or those music lessons or that business to start or that mountain to climb or that book to write. They are all being put off until… someday. When you pursue your dreams, you tap into an unlimited source of energy and enthusiasm. When you don’t pursue your dreams, there is a sadness and a sense of ‘I wonder what would have happened if I had…” Rita Emmett

November 12, 2022

My reflection:
“Certainly there’s wisdom in working hard and planning and trying to be personally responsible. Those are all good ways of attacking life. But without the addition of prayer to animate these noble qualities with the might and wisdom of God, they don’t do much. Prayer is what confuses all our efforts and the genuine concerns of our hearts with God’s boundless ability. prayer is what frames our pressing, short term issues with gods eternal perspective, showing us just how temporary- and endurable, and winnable – even our most intense battles truly are. Prayer means hope. Prayer means help. Prayer means relief. Prayer means power.
And a lot of it.” Stephen and Alex Kendrick
Jesus reminds us to pray always.?

November 10, 2022

My reflection:
“Who you are is more than enough. Take a flower and see how it grows. It doesn’t grow according to someone else’s idea of what it should be. It grows in accordance with the perfect pattern that is inside it. It doesn’t try to grow from the outside in, but from the inside out. It allows the potential to unfold in its own way.” Ernie Carwile
God gives us the graces to unfold our lives each day

November 9, 2022

My reflection:
“People spend more time planning for a vacation than they do planning for what they want in life. To effectively plan for success, you must be clear about your long range goals, map a route to reach them, set short term goals, and schedule time to pursue them.” Connie Palladino, PhD
Let us make sure that God is in our plan.?