November 27, 2022

My reflection:
“Today is the first Sunday of Advent.  Here is a prayer for lighting the Advent candles.
Dear God, may this flame of hope, that we light in the darkness, dance upon our Advent wreath, and within each of our hearts as well. Thank you for your gift of hope, the flower that blooms from the ground of faith. We joyfully keep the tradition of ages past as we encircle our Advent wreath with love and prayerful expectation. May this Advent season bring us a new birth of hope in your ancient promises. In Jesus name. Amen.”

November 26, 2022

My reflection:
“Always remember, no matter what is going on in your life, it is your responsibility to choose how you respond. This does not mean you will not hurt. This does not translate to you should ignore what you feel.Not being a victim and taking responsibility means: feel the pain, honor the shock, look for the lesson, and keep on moving in a way that honors who you really are. You are Spirit in a body having a temporary human experience. Your experiences may knock you down, but it is your responsibility not to let them keep you down.”Iyanla Vanzant
No matter what our experience God is always present with us. ?

November 25, 2022

My reflection:
“Listen to your inner voice; it is the most important connection between your head and heart. Leave self-doubt behind; it serves only to make you hesitate. Never stop, questioning, searching, and reaching; they are the only ways to stretch your mind and soul. No matter what you do in this life, remember, it is never about the treasures you acquire; it’s about making certain it is life you treasure.”
Lisa Crofton

November 24, 2022

My reflection:
“God all powerful your gift of love, our countless and your goodness, infinite; as we come before you on Thanksgiving day, with gratitude for your kindness, open our hearts to have concern for every person, so that we may share your gifts and loving service. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen

November 23, 2022

My reflection:
“Do not allow past shortcomings to govern who you are now – everyone falls short sometimes.
Do not allow previous misfortunes to dictate who you will become – everyone can change.
On your path to self discovery, there’s a bridge between who you were, and who you want to be.
One step at a time, walk this crossing. There’s no need to run, because a reflective journey takes time.
Simply move forward, face full to the sun, and see yourself for who you want to be.
Become a better you, empowered, and emancipated, from all that was holding you back.”  Angela Rene Goughnour

November 21,2022

My reflection:
“Whether your words are shouted from the rooftops, or a mere whisper on your lips, whether you can’t express yourself exactly, or don’t even know what you feel in your heart, whether your thoughts could fill a book or your mind can only think ‘Please’…God hears you when you pray. Ali Sawyer

November 20, 2022

My reflection:
“Don’t stress out by comparing yourself with others. The simple truth is… some people are always going to seem better and others will always seem worse. It’s okay. We’re all different. That’s pretty much the way the world works.”
God gives each one of us different gifts. ?

November 19, 2022

My reflection:
“You have to find a way to balance, your work, private, life, and everything else that is important to you. ( Susan  Polis Schutz)
Don’t get stuck, repeating the same mistakes – whether it’s your lifestyle, your diet, or your relationships.
 You always have choices, and by not expressing your opinion, you are making a choice.
Don’t commit yourself to a project just because it’s what others want you to do. Be sure it’s something you want too.
When your heart is in the right place, you can never go wrong.”