December 18, 2022

My reflection:
“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.”Elizabeth
Many call this Divine Providence

December 16, 2022

My reflection is from Living Faith:
May the Nations be glad and exalt… Psalm 67:5
Tomorrow and until December 23, we join with Christians in praying the O Antiphons, traditional praises of the attributes of Jesus, beginning with ‘O Wisdom.’
How easy it is to think and praise God when things go well. But, if we truly walk by faith, we praise God who is always wisely good, with our best interest at heart. We may feel that God does not notice our troubles, but feelings pass like the brief snow showers or rain clouds, yet faith remains. And we are left with the strong, yet tender and wise, care of our Saving God.  When we truly believe that Jesus is our Emmanuel, God-with-us, we can render praise, and be glad and exalt in all life’s situations.
May we find a  few quiet moments to hush in the rush of Christmas preparations to, once again, offer true praise to God for the divine plan for our lives – and to humbly hand over our acceptance to the Holy Family at the crib.” Sr. Bridget Haase, O.S.U

December 15, 2022

My reflection is from Living Faith:
This is the one about whom scripture says: “Behold I am sending my messenger ahead of you, he will prepare your way before you.” Luke 7:27.
“In this third week of Advent Jesus is speaking about John the Baptist as the one who prepared the way for him. I smile thinking that this began when they both were in their mothers’ wombs.  John prepared the way by leaping with joy, when his mother heard Mary’s voice, and knew that Mary was the mother of her Lord (Luke 1:43–44). Later John prepared the way by baptizing Jesus, and a voice sounded from heaven: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased. (Luke 3:22).
How can we prepare the way to welcome Jesus this Christmas? Something that has helped me is to plan a special moment of prayer each day, to pause for an interlude of quiet reflection, lighting my Advent candles and opening my heart to God’s Love.
John the Baptist, you leapt with joy welcoming Jesus. Help us each find some way to prepare to welcome him joyfully this Christmas.”Patricia Livingston

December 14, 2022

My reflection:
In the prayer service that I did today, I used the scripture reading “I have called you by name you are mine.”
I shared with the group about an experience I had on retreat many years ago. The retreat Director used the passage “I have called you by name you are mine,” but he called me Diane. Lol … I guess I learned then not to take life too seriously.
Today I was overwhelmed by all the wonderful birthday greetings that I received. I am so grateful to God that I have so many wonderful people in my life. Thank you, God! ?

December 13, 2022

My reflection is from the Mercy Prayer Book:
God of light, through the intercession of the martyr St. Lucy, we pray for those who suffer from the afflictions of the eyes. Quicken within them an inner sight. Allow them to perceive those hidden things which eye has not seen. Give us a lively sense of gratitude for the vision we have, and for the beauty and variety of the world you have created. We ask this in Jesus name . Amen.

December 12, 2022

My reflection:
The sisters of Mercy were founded by Catherine McAuley in 1831. This is a prayer written by Catherine McAuley.
My God, I am yours for time and eternity. Teach me to cast myself entirely into the arms of your loving Providence with the most lively, unlimited confidence in your compassionate, tender pity. Grant me, O most merciful, Redeemer that whatever you ordain, or permit may be acceptable to me. Take from my heart all painful anxiety; suffer nothing too sadden me but sin, nothing to delight me, but the hope of coming to the possession of you, my God, and my all, in your everlasting kingdom. Amen.

December 11, 2022

My reflection:
“It doesn’t matter what your financial situation is, what you have achieved so far, how old or young you are, what your environment is, your current lifestyle, your nationality, or your educational level. You can improve everything in your life with a positive attitude, determination, commitment, and doing whatever it takes to make it happen.” Thomas B. Smith
 With God all things are possible.?

December 10, 2022

My reflection:
“Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you wisdom, to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you.” St. Thomas Aquinas

December 9, 2022

My reflection:
“Believe that God hears you when you pray and response when you call on Him.
Share with Him your feelings, and remember that He said, ‘Be not afraid.  I am with you, and I always will be. Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything.’  Don’t forget to praise him and honor Him with your trust your confidence in your gratitude.
God has said He wants you to have the desires of your heart, that He loves you and wants you to have an abundant life. Trust in the fact that He’s as good as His word. Rest in the attitude that all things will work for your good and believe it.” Donna Fargo