January 18, 2023

My reflection:
No matter what is happening, talk to God. Share what’s in your heart, or ask to be shown the way. Pray for strength of purpose and the willingness to surrender. Whether your simple prayer is a thank you or a cry for help it is heard, and no whisper is ever turned aside.” Linda Hersey

January 17, 2023

My reflection:
Setbacks and disappointments are something we all experience at one time or another. But if you refuse to believe in failure, you’ll be able to find a way to open up all those doors that at one time you saw we’re close to you forever. If you mark something down as a failure, then that’s what it will be. But if you make up your mind to get the better of the situation, an experience that you want is labeled as a failure can become another steppingstone toward happiness. So the next time something doesn’t turn out exactly as you’d hoped, turn it around, be a fighter. Remember: it’s the people who can turn a negative into a positive and bounce back who really get ahead in life.” Mary Lou Retton

January 16, 2023

My reflection:
Success is often a personal achievement that goes beyond material wealth and reputation. It can be something as rewarding as making a nourishing meal for your family or growing a flower garden from seed.
To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail. (Dorothea Brand)
Energy and persistence conquer all things. (Benjamin Franklin)
The most important thing in our lives is what we are doing now. (Author Unknown)
There is no such thing as failure – only lessons learned.

January 15, 2023

My reflection is from Living Faith:
No I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God. John 1:34
“How blessed were Jesus disciples, followers and even casual onlookers, who were able to see firsthand that he was so much more than a good man and a wise teacher. They saw him heal. They saw him perform miracles. They saw, even as he was crucified, that he was willing to forgive those who killed him. They were changed by those encounters, and they had no choice but to testify and pass on the story.
We don’t get that first-hand experience. We are not eyewitnesses to the man. But when we pay close attention to our lives in faith, we can see clearly and resolutely just how alive, healing and forgiving Jesus remains. We have our own stories of encountering Jesus, and we should feel like we have no choice but to be disciples and tell others the story.
Give me the awareness, faith and courage to tell my stories of you, Jesus.” Steve Givens

January 14, 2023

My reflection:
“Seek God’s wisdom and guidance in everything you do or say – not just in times of trouble or sorrow.
God hears your voice in the shadows of life and will give you peace, but God is also found in the moments of joy and happiness that can fill your heart and make you smile.” Linda Hersey

January 11, 2023

My reflection is from Living Faith:
He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Mark 1:31
“I envy Peter’s mother-in-law. She got to hold the hand of Jesus. He grasped her hand. There’s strength in that word. And clearly, Jesus takes the initiative here. He helped her up. There’s tenderness in that expression. What’s more, the word help implies that the woman used some of her own strength to get up. Jesus didn’t do all the work for her.
There’s so much in this simple sentence that has implications for us and our spiritual lives. Jesus seeks a relationship with us. He reaches out to us first. At times, we may experience Jesus’ strength giving us the power to face our daily struggles with courage. At other times, we may experience his tenderness consoling us and easing our pain. And always, Jesus allows us to participate in our own salvation and the salvation of the world.
Jesus, thank you for grasping my hand and helping me to follow you more closely today and every day.”
Sr. Melanie Svoboda, S.N.D.

January 10, 2023

My reflection:
“This is the part where you get a little reminder of how amazing your day can be! The more you plant the seeds of creativity, spontaneity, adventure, and delight, the more you get to enjoy the fruits of life.” Douglas Pagels

January 9, 2023

My reflection:
“You are personally responsible for so much of the sunshine that brightens up your life. Optimist and gentle souls continually benefit from their very own versions of daylight saving time. They get extra hours of happiness and sunshine every day.”
Douglas Pagles