- Our Lady Queen of Angels Chapel
- Saint Joseph Church
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
- Holy Angels Church
August 2,2023
My reflection:
” As long as we are alive and kicking, we can be improving ourselves. No matter our age, if we always have a project which we can apply ourselves, then we will wake up every day with an objective, something productive to get done. This allows us to go to bed at night in the peaceful knowledge that we have done some good, gained some achievement, however small. Having ears for this lesson has been one of the luckiest pieces of listening I’ve done.”
August 1, 2023
My reflection:
“The dreams in your heart are waiting to come true. Give them wings -and be all that you could hope to be.
You can accomplish more than you ever imagined -as long as you believe.
There’s no end to the amazing things you can achieve -if you set your mind to it.
Make a plan, and then -one step at a time-take the actions that will bring your dreams to life.
Create the life that you have always wished for -because that is the life you deserve.
Follow your dreams!” Jason Blume
July 31, 2023
My reflection:
“The journey to your dreams is one that no one else will travel and no one else can judge-it’s a path where the challenges are great and the rewards even greater.
It’s a journey where each experience will teach you something valuable and you can’t get lost, for you already know the way by heart.
It’s a journey that is universal yet uniquely personal, and profound yet astonishingly simple -where is sometimes you will stumble and other times you will soar.
You may not always know exactly where you’re headed, but if you follow the desires of your heart, the integrity of your conscience, and the wisdom of your soul… then each step you take will lead you to discover more of who you really are, and it will be a step in the right direction and a journey to your dreams.” Paula Finn
All reactions:
July 26, 2023
My reflection:
“You will be whatever you resolve to be. Determine to be something in the world, and you will be something.
“I cannot,’ never accomplished anything.
But ‘I will try,’ has worked wonders. Joel Hawes
July 25, 2023
My reflection is from Living Faith:
We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned.
2 Corinthians 4:8–9
“I used to think hope was the same as optimism: expecting things to turn out in the end even when they look grim. I thought hope was dreamy and ethereallike wishing on a star or wondering what Santa left under the tree.
I’ve witnessed violence since then, however. I’ve experienced illness and isolation. I’ve watched people I love suffer and have stood helpless to stop it. Those were times when I felt afflicted and driven to despair. Yet, when I turned to God, he was always there. He didn’t swoop in and fix my problems, but he stayed with me in the midst of them and shown a light to the other side. Hope then wasn’t the soft, squishy feeling I used to take it for. It was dogged, not dreamy, believing that God would never abandon me to face my trials alone.
Lord God, when I am driven to despair, help me to hope in you.”
Karla Manternach
July 24, 2023
My reflection:
“It’s possible to change your life by simply adjusting your attitude. Optimism and enthusiasm most often create real achievement and lasting joy. It takes so little in life to be truly happy, and most everything you need can be found within yourself – in your own heart and soul, in the way you choose to think.
Get rid of negative thoughts and try to avoid negative people. Think, act, and talk with honesty, integrity, and a positive attitude. Surround yourself with encouraging loving people, and you will attain a deep sense of inner peace, which is the heart of all happiness and true success.”
Vickie M. Worsham
July 23, 2023
My reflection:
“You are made to dream, to hope, and to imagine; you are meant to reach, to stretch, and to soar; you are created to laugh, to live, and to love.
There is enough that can go wrong in life without undermining yourself. Life tends to grant you exactly what you invite in with your thoughts. If you think, act, and talk negatively, your world will most likely be negative. Your attitude is a choice you make.”
Vickie M. Worsham
July 22, 2023
My reflection:
“Know that you can reach deep inside and find everything you need to get through each moment that lies ahead.
When you talk to those who matter most, open the door to your heart. The wider it is, the easier it will be for things like compassion and understanding to come inside. And it just naturally follows… the more wonderful visitors you have, the more your life will shine.
Unwind a little and smile a lot and try not to worry too much. Know that you’re loved and cared for… and that, whenever you need them, your guardian angels are great about working overtime.” Douglas Pagels
July 21, 2023
My reflection:
“Look in the mirror and smile… and see an amazing person looking back at you. You really are someone special, and your presence is a present to the world around you.
When you’re counting your blessings, be sure to include the privilege of having a new sunrise every morning and a brand new beginning every day.
Don’t ever give up on your hopes and dreams. Your happiness is depending on you to stay
strong.” Douglas Pagels