My reflection is from Living Faith:
“This is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased.” we ourselves heard this voice come from heaven… 2 Peter 1: 17–18
“Jesus brought the disciples to the mountain to pray with him. Though they had probably prayed with Jesus many times, this time is strikingly different because they heard God’s voice speaking to them.thankfully, we don’t have to climb a mountain to hear God call us. When we pray – throughout the day – we can listen with our hearts wide open to hear God‘s voice.
Listening requires a willingness to pause our litany of prayer intentions and ignore our worries and distractions, of which the world provides in abundance. Jesus heard God‘s voice in his heart continually calling him to care for the poor, heal the sick and forgive his enemies.
Help us to quiet our minds and hearts, Jesus, that we may hear the voice of God.” Deborah A. Meister
Let us take time each day to find some quiet time to be present to our God.