My reflection:
I took a few days off now back into the groove.
Write all the words I have spoken to you in a book. Jeremiah 30:2
“As a writer, I love words. I am fascinated by the power, mystery, beauty, rhythm and sound. The respect for words permeates our Christian faith. In Genesis, God uses simple words to create the universe. And what is the Bible but a collection of God‘s words to us, assuring us of gods tender care and challenging us to live lives a faithful love?
Jesus comes into our world and proves to be a wordsmith par excellence.He crafts enduring images and stories to convey his message of faith, forgiveness and service. Jesus words transform the hearts of individuals, draw massive crowds and, sadly, incite his enemies to put him to death – to silence him. But, on Easter Sunday, Jesus has the last word. appearing to his stunned apostles, he blesses them with a single word: Peace.
Today, let us be mindful of the words we hear, see, speak and write. May all our words be rooted in our discipleship with Jesus, the Word of God.” Sr. Melanie Svoboda, S.N.D.
Let us thank God for sharing wonderful words with us.