My reflection today is from Living Faith:
At once Jesus spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid. “ Matthew 14:27
“After Jesus has spent himself ministering to a crowd, he climbs up a mountain seeking some quiet, restorative time to pray and be alone in stillness. When evening arrives and darkness falls, he returns to find his disciples terrified as their boat is battered by violent wind and huge waves. Jesus takes in the scene, walks across the wild sea and utters the words repeated so often in Scripture, ‘Don’t be afraid.’
Easier said than done, we might say. The winds didn’t immediately relent and die down. The waves continue to crash against the side of the boat. What made the difference is that the disciples were no longer alone, for Jesus was with them. When our own lives are battered by crisises or threatened by anxiety, anguish or loss, may we center ourselves in stillness and prayer and remember that Jesus is also and always present with us.” – Sr. Chris Koellhoffer, I.H.M.
This is so true! We just need to remind ourselves each day that Jesus is present with us in the highs or in the lows.