My reflection today continues from Fresh Bread:
“ Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them ‘Peace be with you.’ John 20:19

Jesus, you stand before me.
I feel it in my heart.
I sense you saying to me:
Peace be with you,
 in your pressing days.
amid your fragmentation.
within your loneliness.
with your concern of others.
among those you care for.
around your many questions.
peace, peace be with you,
for I am here. I am with you.
I offer you peace, my peace.
believe in me and my offer.
I will take you far beyond
all the fears, all the worries.
I will sink your spirit in calm,
In quiet, in truth, in me.
rest in me. rest in me.
peace be with you.” – Joyce Rupp

With all the struggles that are going on in our lives and in our world, the only one that can bring total peace is our God.
The word peace is used 429 times in the Bible.
I guess God is trying to tell us some thing.
Now let us ask Jesus to bring peace into our lives and into our hearts.
May the peace of Christ remain in our hearts and in our homes.