My reflection:
“Look at life as a journey and enjoy the ride. Get the most out of the detours, and realize they’re sometimes necessary.
Do your best, but if what you’ve been doing has caused you discouragement, try a different approach. Be passionate about the process, but don’t be so attached to the outcome.
Wish the best for everyone with no personal strings attached. Applaud someone else’s win as much as you would your own.
Trust that there’s a divine plan, that we don’t always know what’s best for us. A disappointment now could mean a victory later, so don’t be disappointed. There is usually a reason.
Ask no more of yourself then the best that you can do, and be satisfied with that. Be compassionate toward yourself as well as others. Know your calling, your gift, and do it well.” Donna Fargo
This is a good reminder that God is always present with us. It is also a good reminder that we need to be gentle with ourselves.