From Kathleen O’Connell, Route 65, Mendon,NY
The sunflower pod has opened. Did you even imagine such beauty? My mind boggles to see such a demonstration of God’s creativity and love. Just look at the intricate detail. The tiny seeds that will feed the finch and other small birds. Hidden in the small flowerets is a busy little bee gathering pollen for the hive. How wonderfully made the sunflower is! When Jesus tells us to “consider the lilies of the field,” we must consider also ourselves. How wonderfully are we made! With the intricate details of who we are, we too reflect the sunshine of God’s glory. Like the sunflowers of the field where no two are identical, no two of us are alike and that makes for a wonderfully diverse garden. May each of us reflect the glory of God to all those who inhabit our garden. Praise God for these summer wonders of his creation that gives us so much joy.