My reflection is from Living Faith:
From this day all generations will call me blessed. Luke 1:48
“Sometimes when we look to heaven in the midst of our pain, it feels like no one is listening. Some find it hard to relate to a God whom Jesus told us to call ‘Father,’ especially if their relationship with their own father wasn’t good.
Today, God has given us another avenue of hope. We are given a Mother. Mary is assumed into heaven. For all of us who feel an immediate connection with the warmth and compassion of a mother, we look to our heavenly mother and know in our hearts that she is listening.
What mother stops listening to her children when they are in pain? She flies to their aid. So, too, it is with our God. Mary’s motherly face tells us something important about who God is. She helps us look to the heavens with confidence. Mary shows us the face of God our father, who also is our mother.” Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti
Today is the feast of the assumption of Mary. Let us turn to her for our needs and assistance.