My reflection today is from Living Faith:
I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.
John 6:35
“Jesus’ words are always meant to have a personal meaning in our life. If we missed that, his words never bear the fruit Jesus means them to have. Without prayerful consideration, their deeper meaning for us is often lost.
Jesus tells us that whenever we come to him with a strong desire to know his friendship and his love for us, our deepest longings will be fulfilled. It would not be enough, though, just to hear his words and then quickly forget what we heard. Rather, it would be important to pray about them and silently consider the deeper meaning they have for our lives. Then Jesus’ words would come alive for us. They would enter our minds and hearts and begin to transform our lives with greater meaning and joy. And our relationship with Jesus would grow! Would this be something we would want to experience more deeply in our lives?”
Fr. Kenneth E. Grabner, C.S.C.
God wants to be close to us. It is our choice whether we want to take the time to be with God.